
You would like to use texts or illustrations from publications of the German Bible Society in your own publications (either print or digital)? We appreciate your interest! As our publications are protected by copyright you need a written permission from us to use them, except for some specific cases.

Use of single verses in social media

The use of single verses in social media is permitted without prior permission. However, please make sure to include a short copyright-notice. You will find a list with copyright-notices here:

  • Lutherbibel 2017, © Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft
  • Gute Nachricht Bibel, © 2000 Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft
  • BasisBibel, © 2012 Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft
  • Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, © 1977/1997 Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft
  • Novum Testamentum Graece, © 2012 Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft
  • The Greek New Testament, © 2014 Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft
  • Septuaginta, © 2006 Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft
  • Septuaginta Deutsch., © 2008 Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft
  • Vulgata © 2007 Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft

Use of single verses, chapters or books of the Bible

If you are interested in single verses, chapters or books of the Bible, please fill in the permission entry form.

If you are interested in the text of a complete Bible or Old or New Testaments or if you want to obtain other rights from the German Bible Society (e.g., translations of non-Bible editions) please outline your project briefly by writing and turn to us.
If you have questions concering the permission, we'll be glad to help you as well:

Ilona Raiser
Permissions and Royalties Manager
Phone: +49 711 7181 - 244
Email: raiser@dbg.de
